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100.00 Nu.

"Indulge in the Richness of Every Sip."

Flavoured Latte

100.00 Nu.

"Crafted to Perfection, Sip by Sip."

Hot chocolate

130.00 Nu.

"Savor the Sweetness in Every Warming Sip."


130.00 Nu.

"Decadent, Rich, Creamy - A Blissful Chocolate Escape in Every Sip."

Espresso (single/Double)

50.00 Nu.

"Bold Energy in Every Sip: Dive into the Richness of Single or Double Espresso, Aroma and Flavor Galore!"

Flat White

70.00 Nu.

"Smooth and Velvety: Embrace the Perfect Harmony of Espresso and Steamed Milk in a Luxurious Flat White Experience!"


70.00 Nu.

"Robust Simplicity: Enjoy the Pure Essence of Espresso and Hot Water, Crafted to Perfection in Every Sip of an Americano!"

Espresso macchiato

70.00 Nu.

"Subtle Perfection: Experience the Artful Balance of Espresso 'Stained' with Just a Touch of Velvety Steamed…